For More Information
If you would like to know more about Villa Monticello Assisted Living and our services, you can enter your contact information in this form and we will be happy to contact you as soon as possible!
Or give us a call at 760-738-1555
Assisted Living & Memory Care Facility for Seniors
Special Care Services
If there are conditions that require additional special care and supervision, it will be determined after initial assessment. The following conditions may be considered depending on the level of provision required, and if we are able to properly accommodate the individual.
Those with mobility issues that require two-person lift or need mechanical transfer (Hoyer lift)
Wheelchair-bound residents
Diabetic/insulin care, assist with insulin injection using hand over hand technique
Catheter Care
Colostomy Care
Oxygen Care
Challenging behavioral issues (combative, physically
aggressive, pacing, etc.) -
Gastronomy or tube feeding*
Wound Care (Stage 3 or 4)*
Bedbound or bedridden*
​Other conditions that require State Licensing Exemption
*Provided only during hospice care or if required and approved
by State Licensing Exemption
Other Special Features & Programs
Planned Daily Activities
We engage our residents in meaningful activities to help maintain their functional abilities, enhance their self-esteem, and provide social interaction. Our activities are tailored to the residents capabilities, interests, and preferences while still providing a sense of fulfillment, pleasure, and stimulation.
Fall Prevention
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our residents and preserve mobility by reducing the risk of fall, and fall related injuries. Our facility is retrofitted with proper handrails and grab bars. Bedrooms are spacious and accommodating. There is a also vast landscaped outdoor area for exercise and ambulation to strengthen their legs and stimulate their senses. Most importantly, we provide sufficient staff to oversee the residents' activities prevent accidental falls. We also work with physical therapists from outside services to provide help with our residents as needed.
Pain Management
Pain is difficult to assess and is usually improperly treated with residents suffering from dementia due to their inability to effectively communicate. Our goal is to be able to recognize their pain in a systematic and effective manner to relieve their distress and agitation caused by untreated or under treated pain.
Skin Care and Bedsore Prevention and Treatment
Due to limited mobility, fragility, dry skin, and neglect of proper hygiene, the elderly are prone to skin breakdown. To promote healthy skin, we ensure proper nutrition, hydration, increase mobility, and exercise.
Transition Care
Transition Care is a program we created that provides consistent, uninterrupted quality of care, and service from the day they were admitted to our community to the progression of their disease requiring higher level of care and end-of-life care.
Respite Stay
We also offer respite stay for residents who only need short-term care who's current caregivers need relief from caring for their loved ones 24/7.
End-of-Life Care
Our facility has hospice waiver which allows outside hospice companies to provide end-of-life care services to our residents on site while we continue providing the same quality care for our residents until they reach the final stage of their disease.

For More Information
If you would like to know more about Villa Monticello Assisted Living and our services, you can enter your contact information in this form and we will be happy to contact you as soon as possible!
Or give us a call at 760-738-1555
If you would like more detailed information about our Special Services please call our Resident Care Consultant, Ruby Dy, at 858-837-0213